Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sunday's Sermon - January 30

January 30, 2022
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Psalm 71:1-6
1 Corinthians 12:1-13
Luke 4:21-30

Please pray with me,

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of all of our hearts be acceptable and suitable in your sight, O God, our rock, our strength and our redeemer. Amen.

How about that gospel lesson, huh? 

This passage, as we hear it today, accompanies the story of Jesus’ own announcement of his ministry in Nazareth. We hear Jesus saying that the scripture is fulfilled in their hearing and at first the crowds are amazed. But as Jesus takes the time to outline what his vocation – his life of service will be in the world – the people around him get upset. They are frustrated, actually downright angry that he brings a message of healing and reconciliation to ALL people, including the Gentiles.

They are filled with rage that the expectations they had of God were not the expectations God had or has for God’s people. The people are so upset, they drive Jesus out of town and are ready to hurl him off a cliff.

As Fred Craddock writes, “Anger and violence are the last defense of those who are made to face the truth of their own tradition which they have long defended.”

Anger and violence are the last defense of those who are made to face the truth of their own tradition which they have long defended. 

And yet, somehow, Jesus passes through the midst of them, unscathed and goes on his way. 

In our first lesson, Jeremiah hears his call to speak to God’s people.  Jeremiah’s vocation (his calling) was in calling all members of the community back to their vocation as followers of Israel’s God. This was Jeremiah’s mission to all the people. (McKim)

Like Jeremiah, Jesus is understood as a prophet. Like Jeremiah, Jesus is questioned and rejected by his own people, who attempt to kill him, though he survives to continue preaching. Like Jeremiah, Jesus gets into trouble over foreigners.

In essence, Jeremiah’s calling is in turn echoed by that of Jesus. And it’s a prophetic calling. To speak prophetically is to follow God into a calling one would not necessarily have chosen, saying and doing things that anger one’s own neighbors, things that though supported by God, will only be seen as fruitful later on, following trials and tribulations.

But prophets are needed, aren’t they? Because in the time of Jesus, and before, people had strayed from God. God loved God’s people, showed them that love and yet the people strayed from God. They would turn from God, in on themselves, or their own cares and worries…and so again, God would swoop in with a call from a prophet to turn the people from old ways, and open them up to the path that of God’s calling.

In Jesus’ time, this happened, too.

And, in our time, it happens, too. It happens to us.

That’s the hard truth in our readings today, right? That we, the church, are the modern equivalent of Jesus’ townspeople.

Not that we want to admit that, however, because we hear God’s call.

We know God’s message of love and forgiveness and we know that the way we respond to God’s call is spot on.  We’re doing it right.  We don’t need prophets to redirect us, we’re good. 

We’re comfortable here, in this place and this church and the ways we are used to doing things…which leads us to forget that God has left the building, that God is indeed on the move.

The gospel lesson calls us to leave home, just as Jesus did, to in the words of Debi Thomas, “to choose movement over stasis, change over security.” 

Jesus calls us to choose movement over stasis, to choose change over security.

Yup, Jesus calls us to be on the move, because God has been on the move and will continue to be on the move. God’s mission continues in us, around us, in spite of us, and outside of us…

Let me share a story that might help bring this gospel message home.

It’s about a family I know, maybe you know them too, the Madrigal family…or Familia Madrigal! They are the main characters in Disney’s latest movie, Encanto.

How many of you are familiar with this movie?

The soundtrack is great! If you’re not familiar with it, here’s what you need to know.

La Familia Madrigal has been blessed with a miracle. The miracle of a place of sanctuary in a magical home surrounded by protective mountains. As the family grows, each child (at age 5, mind you) receives a gift to help the community.

Julieta received the gift of healing through her food.

Pepa received the gift of her emotions controlling the weather.

Their brother Bruno, can we talk about Bruno? 

Bruno received the gift of seeing the future, prophetic sight, if you will.

But when the movie begins, all we know is that we don’t talk about Bruno.

You see, Bruno has a vision of Mirabel and the outcome is unclear…as to whether her gift will help or hurt the house and the family. So Bruno disappears.

Mirabel, surrounded by sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles all with gifts…doesn’t have one.

Yet she is the one to notice the cracks in the house and realizes that something is not right. She is inquisitive and digs deeper and is hushed by her family.

Mirabel has the ability to see that something is wrong with the magic and her sisters open up about their own worries and insecurities…their fears about not living up to the family’s and their Abuela’s (their grandmother’s) expectations of how they will use their gifts.

Both Bruno and Mirabel have this ability to see that things are not what they seem. That instead of the family living into their gifts for love and service of community, they seem to be using their gifts to maintain the status quo, and to please Abuela and the community.

In a fit of rage over Mirabel trying to share what she has seen, Abuela shouts, the magic if fine! We are the family Madrigal! Abuela is trying to hold onto what she has known and in doing so, the house is destroyed.

Only after Abuela and Mirabel are truly able t see one another and hear one another’s stories is the family (with the help of the community) able to rebuild their home.

Look at this home

We need a new foundation

It may seem hopeless but we’ll get by just fine

Look at this family, a glowing constellation

So full of stars and everybody wants to shine

But the stars don’t shine, they burn

And the constellations shift

I think it’s time you learn

You’re more than just your gift

Those are the words of the prophet, Mirabel. 

Calling her family not just back home, but to a new home, a new future, where each family member is truly able to be themselves and to see one another as more than just the ‘gifts’ they possess.

I won’t give away the ending, in case you haven’t seen it, but when the first learns the truth, it is hard for them to see it and it is much harder for them to let go of what they think is right (or the way it’s always been done) to see a new way forward.

Yet, once the family is able to live into the truth of who each family member is by truly sharing their gifts are they able to live into a new future, together.

Once the family is able to live into the truth of who each of them are created and called to be, they are, together, able to move forward into a new future.

Into that new future, together, is where God continues to call us.

That’s what the prophets are saying to us today…

Unlike the movie, we don’t need a new foundation, we need to remember that Christ is and will always be our foundation, but know this…

God is on the move.

God is busy at the margins.

God is doing new things.

And God always invites us to join on the journey.

Are you ready for the journey?

Are you afraid?

Are you wiling to try, anyway?

Okay. That’s good enough.

Let’s go!

And now may the peace, which surpasses all understanding, keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus and let all God’s people say, amen. 


Friday, January 28, 2022

Hoppy Dry January!

Hey all...before beginning the 100 Day Dress Challenge 21 days ago, I started off the year with Dry January. I have not had any alcohol since New Year's Eve. My running coach invited the squad that she coaches to try this out for a month. I figured, I could do a month. The biggest reason for taking on this change was because of how alcohol impacts my body, especially as a runner. I wanted to see if removing alcohol from my diet would have any impacts on my day to day life.  It has. 

I have noticed it most in my sleep habits. Falling asleep at night has come much more quickly than it has in the past. Now, there are still some stressful days that run through my mind when my head hits the pillow, but my body is tired, so it wins out over the mind.  

I've also noticed sleeping more soundly through the night.  

I've been waking up (regularly) before my alarm goes off in the morning. I don't necessarily get out of bed earlier...but when the alarm goes off, I'm ready to get up.  I'm far less groggy in the morning.  

That being said, I believe my body is recovering from runs better, because my sleep has improved. Win. Win. 

I've decided, moving forward with training for another ultra distance run in the future, that the weeks just prior to the race I will be alcohol free.  

I do like a beer now and again, and between Christmas and New Year's Eve Billy and I bottled up some homemade Malbec, so there will be some imbibing in the future, but I'm glad to have made this change. 

I did, earlier in the week sport my hops scarf and earrings.  ðŸ˜‰

Still working on less creepy eyes in the dress challenge selfies...can't win 'em all!  

Here are the other fun outfits from this week: 
The day my sweater matched my book.  

The day I pulled out tights from the 'costume' box because they went with the necklace. 

The day I finally took down the Christmas lights (and got caught up on the Book of Boba Fett after spoilers in a text from my mom. Womp. Womp.) 
Look, mom, I'm wearing the scarf you made! It's a perfect fit with the dress. Love you!

Until the next post...



Monday, January 24, 2022

Photo Drop for the Dress Challenge...

Day 17 in the 100 Day Dress Challenge.  Woohoo!  

I posted some of these on Instagram this past week, but wanted to make sure they were here as well.  

I was asked yesterday if this challenge was helping me in my decision making. I believe it is, but I have also been following others on this challenge who completely jazz up the dress each day with different accessories and layers. Truthfully, they inspire me, but also I don't want to try to come up with completely new outfits each day. That would mean even more decisions....which is what I'm trying to eliminate. So, I feel good about keeping it simple.

The dress, itself, is crazy comfortable: for walking, working, reading, cooking, curling up with a cat and leading worship.  

I've also learned that the mirrors in my house aren't the best for full length selfies. So sadly, you can't see that my teal leggings match the scarf I'm wearing today, but that's okay. I do love how easily a scarf changes the outfit and how a friend dropped off some hand-me-downs as she is downsizing her closet. Win for her. Win for me. 

I washed the dress yesterday afternoon and hung it dry. Other nights I've just hung it inside out to breathe a bit. Only once have I forgotten to hang it up and it was a bit more wrinkly that day, but it's all good. 

Until tomorrow...



Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Lent-ifornia Dreamin'

I have to admit that the title for today's post is from my amazing friend and colleague, Deborah.

She and I have been dreaming about Lent. Well, maybe not dreaming, actually, but at least thinking, praying about and planning for Lent. 

At Trinity, Robesonia, (the congregation I serve) we have done many things in the season of Lent. Wednesday evening gatherings for soup, bread and dessert followed by a craft or service activity and ending our time together with Holden Evening Prayer.  

Often times, we have shared a devotional composed of Bible verses, prayers and devotionals (many of which are written by Trinity folks) which can be used each day in Lent.  

The devotional will be part of our Lent together, slightly different from years past, but containing daily readings and prayers like in the past. The theme this year is "Selah - A Time for Holy Pause." Hopefully this Lent, we will be able to practice different ways of entering into 'holy pauses' which will give us intentional time to reconnect with God and others through scripture, prayer, and an activity or practice.  

Each week we will focus on a different 'practice' or way of taking time and space to redirect our focus on God and how God is calling us to be part of the world around us. The practices will include, but are not limited to, moving, writing or drawing, music, silence and a few others. I hope that by exploring different practices, we may discover new ways to connect with God and with one another as we all take time to pause amidst a busy life.  

As the devotion takes shape, I would love (like really love) each day to contain a prayer. And here's the thing, I'm not going to write them. Yup, you heard me, I'm not writing the prayers. That's where you, dear readers and friends, come in. I'm inviting you to write a prayer for this devotional. 

Because this is what I know: You all have prayers in your hearts and on your minds that will speak to God in ways that I am not able to put into words.  You all, or your kids or parents, or grandkids or  grandparents, have words to share with God that are holy and wonderful and true to who you are and who God calls you to be.  As unique as they are, these words of yours can and will guide us and connect us.  As folks from Trinity and beyond read and pray through this devotional, you will help us connect with God and with one another. 

AND because I also know this: You absolutely can write a prayer. If you have questions about it, let me know. But, I know you can do it.  

So, dear ones, I invite you to be part of this devotional.  

Here are the nuts and bolts:

If you are willing to write a prayer, please let me know in a comment below or send me the prayer by February 14.  Please include your name and city, state or church family and location.  **Young writers under the age of 18 will be listed by first name and last initial unless guardians request otherwise.

If you are not connected to Trinity, Robesonia, let me know so I can send you a PDF of the completed devotional. 

Thanks for joining us across the miles and through your words and prayers.  

Keep being awesome.  


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

 Keeping it simple today with this fun scarf from a fabulous friend.  

Sometimes that's all you need.  

Until tomorrow...


Monday, January 17, 2022

A snow day by the numbers

1 Book read for work.  

2 Pots of homemade soup   

    Lunch - Tomato (with a side of grilled cheese, of course)

    Dinner - Chicken Noodle

3 Vehicles cleared of snow/slush

4 Slushie/slippery miles first thing this morning

5 number of things I list daily in my gratitude journal

6ish...pieces of torn newspaper stuffed in my running shoes to help them dry out after this morning's run

7 or so times I may have listened to The Family Madrigal from Encanto

8 different selfies taken before I settled on two that would best display today's outfit

9+ puddles I wadded through on my run.  They are far less fun when it's crazy cold outside.  

10th day in a row wearing the wool& dress!   

Until tomorrow...



Sunday, January 16, 2022

Church, cake, chicken & burnt sprouts...

All in all today was a good day.  
Church - check.  In fact, at the end of the late service I was a bit weepy as the organ prelude came to a close and our youngest acolyte finished extinguishing the candles.  Good & holy stuff. 

I made a cake...from the cheese I made yesterday! So it's healthy cake!

I roasted a freakin' delicious chicken. 

While carving said chicken, I burned the Brussels sprouts.  
womp.  womp.

All morning I wore the dress with one of my favorite skirts over it.  I love the skirt, but feel the fit was too tight to layer the dress and the clerics.  

The skirt may come back, next time with the dress knotted on the side.  I'm not sold on it, though.  But it was worth trying something new today.  Especially the extra layer when it was so stinkin' cold out today.  

Until tomorrow...


Saturday, January 15, 2022

Cheese glorious, cheese! (Day 8 in the dress)

Today's adventures included making cheese.  
It's a new hobby.  

The first recipe was ricotta and it was a success.

I kept the outfit simple today...but accented it with my trusty apron,, cheese socks & pink crocks.  

Good times, also good cheese.  

Until tomorrow...


Friday, January 14, 2022

Apron for the win! (Day 7)

Low key clothing day for my day off leggings and sneakers.  

A shout out to Barb (from the congregation I served in Indiana) for the fantastic (and reversible) apron.  

The apron, which I have used in the past, has become a staple when it comes to meal prep & clean up.  

Good stuff.

Keep it clean, friends.

Until tomorrow.  

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Day 6 - walkin' with swagger

I loved my outfit today.  

With the fun leggings I knew I wanted to sport some black boots.  

The only pair I have (at the moment) is the pair of Harley Davidson boots from my mother-in-law.  

Yet, as soon as they were on, I had some swagger in my step.  Good times.  

Billy took the picture so we could send it to his mom.  Not only did she love the outfit, she's interested in the challenge.  It would give her 100 days to accessorize!  Ha!  

I do like these boots, but this has sparked my love of Doc Martens. decide on a pair...

May your outfits inspire your swagger. 

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Day 5 (a late night post)

It's late, well late for me.  

Quick selfie before zooming with some fabulous women. 

And now it's time to read before bed.  

If you haven't zoomed with some amazing folks recently (that's happened a bunch for me this week) then make the time to do so.  

Heart = full

Soul = fed

New level achieved = full body laughter (truth is...I've hit this level before, it's just been a while and gosh I've missed it.)

Hugs, y'all!

Until tomorrow...




Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Day 4 - Adventures in the dress

Today’s adventures included…

Enjoying a homemade maple latte

Going to work

Texting my mom (Hi Helen!)

Chatting with a colleague

Discovering the sauna in the basement of the church (aka- the water flowing in the boiler room)

Learning how to switch off the boiler and stop the water flow

Warming my hands around a hot coffee from Dunkin (a gift from Robin) 

Eating a cold lunch - salad - in a cold office. 

Texting friends. 

Working from home (in warm conditions) 

Completing my first wordle 

Having an amazing Zoom call with a fantastic young woman discerning her call to ministry

Watching some TikToks

Attempting to smoke a squirrel out of the chimney (unsuccessful outcome) 

Making and eating tasty fish tacos #tacotuesday

Reading for 20 mins. (Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler) 

Sipping Mandalorian Warrior Herb Tea

Leading Zoom Bible Study (& finding out the heat is back at church)

Putting my feet up and watching Jeopardy

Until tomorrow…

PS...yes, the tree is still up 😉



Monday, January 10, 2022

Day 3

Day three of the challenge...and all is well.  

I was pretty excited yesterday as I was cleaning out my sweater drawer.  

True story:  Many of them no longer fit so I'm not quite sure why I was still holding on to them.  I've started a bag for Goodwill that will most likely contain more than just sweaters by the end of this challenge.  

But speaking of Goodwill...I had purchased a sweater that I loved....but rarely wore.  With the short, short sleeves, my arms were always chilly.  I thought to myself, I wish I had a black, long sleeve top to wear under it.  

That missing layer was discovered today:  

I loved this sweater layer.  My top was toasty warm all day. Legs, on the other hand, not so much with the temps in the 20s.  I need to step up that game tomorrow as temps are dropping.  I guess winter has arrived.  

Tomorrow will probably involve an extra layer of leggings and perhaps some Uggs.  Who knows?  

PS...Still loving the pockets!

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Day 2

Day two of the 100 Day Dress Challenge....woot woot!

An icy morning meant no in-person worship, but the opportunity to livestream from home.  It was a joy to check in with folks first thing this morning.  

Billy got some BTS (behind the scenes) photos during the livestream.  

I've been in the dress all day.  From Christmas cleanup (the tree is still decorated, FYI) to laundry, to reading and general housecleaning.  I wore it with my go to weekend leggings and (for most of the day) my Chewbacca slippers.  Good times.  

Until tomorrow...



Saturday, January 8, 2022

Day 1

Day one of the 100 day dress challenge!  

I love the dress.  It was perfect for church tonight.  

The clerics were a perfect fit underneath...and my mic fit in the pocket.  

After waking up worrying about the ice predictions for Sunday morning and what that meant for worship, it was a joy to already have my outfit ready.  
Thanks to Billy for taking the picture today.  I anticipate more selfies in the future. 

Until tomorrow...



Thursday, January 6, 2022

2022 - Discover

 New year, new word. 

Last year was a tough one, but what I realize looking back is that it involved a tremendous amount of growth.  It opened up new opportunities.  Opportunities that were hard, fun, scary, challenging and new.  When you're in the middle of an experience, it's hard to see how it's actually impacting you and most likely transforming you.  

Looking at the year ahead, I will be diligently on a journey of discovery.  

Taking a moment each day to think about something I've discovered...a new place, a new skill, a new insight, a new favorite flavor of ice name it.  

It will be a good word, not just for myself, but also for my call at Trinity.  As we are in a year (plus) of transition, who knows what we discover...about ourselves, about our faith, about God's call for us in this place and beyond these walls.  

I truly believe there is much for us to discover.  

My first intentional opportunity to discover will begin on Saturday as I begin the 100 Day Dress Challenge.  To read more about it, check out 100 Day Dress Challenge by wool& 

Why this challenge and why this year?  

Truth be told, one of the key reasons is because I've definitely been suffering from decision fatigue.  All the decisions that surround this pandemic and the way it impacts the church I serve and the community around us has called this congregation and its leaders to make difficult decision after difficult decision.  Thinking about care of myself and family just adds to the decision making to the point that I don't even like deciding what is for dinner anymore.  (Isn't that a sad truth?)

So, I'm hopeful that by not having to decide what to wear for 100 days will free up a little head space and decision making space for other more important things.  

I'm sure there will be other discoveries as the 100 days pass, and I'll share those as they come.  This will be the place where I submit all my daily photos.  I feel like remembering to post the photos may be the hardest part of this challenge.  

My dress arrived today. I tried it on and I am good to begin on Saturday.  

Let's do this.