Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tuesday's Noon Devotion

Live stream devotion
Tuesday, March 24
Hebrews 12:1-2

Good afternoon and welcome to our noontime devotion. 
A reading from Hebrews,
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.

I can only imagine for some folks, maybe even you, that it’s tough to be at home.  My mother-in-law, Mama Maria, she is a mover and a shaker.  She thrives on being out and about and connecting with people, being with people, especially sharing meals with people.  This is tough time for her, and others like her who thrive in groups, being with others, and even being outside the house. 

As I sat at my desk yesterday, I was thinking about what it is like to be in one place, especially on your own and even with family.  But I got to thinking, who surrounds you.  The letter to the Hebrews reminds us that we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses….who are those witnesses. 

As I looked around my office I realized that I have reminders of the great cloud of witnesses in my life.  (This is where I showed the lovely faces that grace my office every day.) 😊
From Billy, to my family, to so many friends, especially girlfriends…there is a  great cloud of witnesses that surround me in all that I do and say. 

Who is surrounding you right now? 
If you live alone or are part of a small family, it may be tough to see the bigger company of saints that surrounds you. 
I hope, that as you connect here, you see the cloud of witnesses that gather in this time and space to listen, love and support one another. 
But I would encourage you, to look around your home. 

Who are the saints that surround you there? 
Who is surrounding you right now? 

Where are the pictures in your houses of the great cloud of witnesses who surround you? 

Where can you put those faces/pictures so you know they are surrounding you right now. 

I believe Miss Logan has pictures of her people up on her bedroom wall, at least she used to. 

Sometimes she looks through the directory to see the faces of those she loves. 
I think now is a great time, as individuals or families, to look around your house for those pictures, look through albums, pull some pictures out to put on your fridge, or in a collage so that you can all be together at this time. 
You may do an entire family collage, or individual members may do their own, so they can be placed in bedrooms or in common spaces to see those saints, those witnesses here and now. 

Take some time today, to gather those saints, those witnesses together. 
Be reminded of the saints that surround you each and every day. 
You are not alone. 
You are loved.
You are prepared for this time and place because of the amazing generations of saints who have gone before you, who have taught you and loved you so that you may live and love this very day. 

You, we, are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses. 

Make them visible in your home, feel their presence, love and support this day and all days.  And let all God’s people say, amen.   

And now for a few announcements:
Thank you for joining us today.  It is good for us to gather together. 
Our noon devotions continue Monday-Friday, please invite people to watch them with you. 
As you join us for Holden Evening Prayer tomorrow at 7:30pm, you are invited to light a candle in your home to be reminded of the light of Christ as we worship together. 
Sarah’s choir will be live on Facebook Thursday night at 6:15, tune in for some singing, dancing, joy and prayer time with our littles. 
Worship this weekend will be live on Facebook at 9am similar to last week with music, scripture, a sermon, a visit from Holy Cow and time to pray together. 
Please be in touch with the church office with any needs or prayer requests during this time.  We are here for you. 

Let us close our time together in prayer,
Dear God, thank you for loving us.  Thank you for the many ways we have already seen you and will continue to see you this day.  Thank you for this time to come together, to hear your word, to connect to the Body of Christ and be reminded of all the saints that surround us.  Hold us in your care this day and all days.  Remember us in your kingdom as you have taught us to pray, Our Father…
Receive God’s blessing: 
May the God of all steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another…
May you depart from evil and do good. 
May you seek peace and pursue it. 
May you go from this gathering wrapped in God’s grace now and forever. 
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen. 

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