Wednesday, December 28, 2016

As long as there's light . . .

Prayer and Healing Homily
December 27, 2016
John 1:1-14

Please pray with me,
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of all of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O God, our rock, our strength and our redeemer.  Amen. 

We gather today in the light of the Christmas season.  We heard the reading that would have been read on Christmas day.  It is good hear this text in the light of this Christmas season, because even though we may walk in the darkness of pain, loneliness, sickness or uncertainty of the future, the light of Christ still shines in our midst. 

We heard this text as we passed the light and lit candles at the early services on Christmas Eve.  In the King James translation of the Bible verse 5 reads like this, The light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not.  

The light of Christ still shines this night and all nights.  The presence of Christ still breaks into our world…and the darkness that is part of our world cannot comprehend it. 

It seems that in this season of life and light, we long for the promise of the resurrection, the promise of God breaking into our world…the promise that God will reign in a new way. 

We can see the darkness around us in the battles and skirmishes around the world, in our own nation as we ponder what the future will bring under the leadership of a new president, and in our own homes as this season that should be one of light and love and hope may bring out not only the best in people but the worst.  

I read once that this is the time of year when the suicide rate goes up…it’s a time when the days are short, the nights are long…and loneliness creeps in…

After reading that statistic, I also read that this is the time of year when more people receive transplants that save lives….because of the untimely deaths of others.  I know, not the best image, but one for us to think about this night….that in the midst of death, life breaks through. 

In the midst of darkness, light breaks through…

Last year at this time, Star Wars: The Force Awakens was in theaters.  The battle between the dark side and the resistance was on the screens in full view.  At one point in the movie the resistance has a chance to destroy this new weapon.  Yet they know they can only do it while the weapon is charging from the sun.  Poe Dameron says, “As long as there’s light, we’ve got a chance.” 

“As long as there’s light, we’ve got a chance.” 

How true is that for us today? 

As long as there’s light, we’ve got a chance. 
As long as Christ’s light shines, the good news of the grace of God can be seen in our world. 
As long as Christ’s light shines, there is hope for peace on earth and good will for all of God’s creation. 

As long as Christ’s light shines, we show and share the light and love in this place, in our community and around our world. 

Christ’s light will continue to shine…we see glimpses of it every day. 
In the smiles and hugs that we share in this space. 
In the friendly greeting of others at the store or running errands. 
In the openness in this space to share an abundance of food with the hungry in our community. 
In a baptism we will celebrate this coming weekend….Christ’s light continues to shine. 
I invite you to help spread that light in this place and beyond. 

Come and light a candle, let Christ’s light shine, and as you go from this place tonight, take the light of Christ with you in a story or a prayer to share with a friend or loved one.  Tell others of God’s amazing grace and love and gift of healing. 

Share this light with others. 
Be the presence of God. 
The light shineth in darkness…and the darkness comprehended it not. 

And now may the peace, which passes all understanding, keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus and let all God’s people say, amen.  

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