Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Sunday's Sermon - July 5

July 5, 2020
5th Sunday after Pentecost
Zechariah 9:9-12
Psalm 145:8-14
Romans 7:15-25a

Please pray with me,
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of all of our hearts be acceptable and suitable in your sight, O God, our rock, our strength and our redeemer.  Amen. 

Come to me all, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest. 
Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls. 
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. 

Alright, raise your hand if you are tired. 
Raise your hand if you are tired of being at home…
Or tired of meetings online…
Or tired of pandemic updates…
Or tired of hearing about racism…
Or tired of not being able to just live like how you want to live your life…? 

Now…raise your hand if your soul is weary…
That may be a bit different…
But feel free to raise your hand if your soul is weary because you know work still needs to happen to allow justice for all God’s children. 

Raise your hand if your soul is weary because you have missed this gathering…and have missed being in physical community with the Body of Christ. 

Raise your hand if your soul is weary because each day your heart is heavy with the cares and concerns for loved ones who have been furloughed, lost jobs or had businesses close…

Raise your hand if your soul is weary because even thought you love your family a whole stinkin’ lot, you are ready to be around other people…

Lots of weariness. 

There is a lot going on right now that is draining our energy, our passions, our presence, our hearts and our souls. 

Just seeing the numbers of you who feel comfortable gathering together today speaks volumes to how our souls are feeling right now. 

They are weary.
They are tired.
They are in need of rejuvenation, nourishment, refreshment, care, consolation, compassion…I pray that as we spend safely distanced time together today that your souls are fed. 
That you are reminded that you are not alone in this journey, that you are not the only one feeling weary, or tired, or ready for something new. 

We, as a community, nation and world are soul-weary. 
Not just our souls…like our bodies die and our souls go to heaven…
But our souls as our entire beings…
These bodies + God’s breath = our whole beings…our entire souls. 

You, me, we are soul-weary. 

We are longing for and have this deep desire to be together. 
You see, these bodies were built (created) for connection and community. 

You, me, we were/are created for community…to be together. 
This time apart has been tough for our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls.
This time apart has been tough on our entire beings. 

So, isn’t it powerful and prophetic (not pathetic) but prophetic…like out of the mouths of prophets that in today’s gospel Jesus says,

Come to me, all you that are weary and carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest. 
Jesus says to you…and you…and you…Jesus says to all y’all…come to me…you who are weary. 

Jesus knows the struggle is real, the call is hard and that we need rest. 
Rest for our, hearts, bodies and souls. 

Jesus calls each of us to rest.  To be.  To heal. To be fed. To be nourished. 

In this place…this outdoor space that has become holy ground as we gather, pray, sing and share in the Lord’s supper…this holy space is where we are called for healing, rest and community. 

And there’s part of me, the optimistic one…the one who put on her rose-tinted glasses this morning who wishes we could just stop right there. 

That this holy space is all that is needed…and if we just had this back…it would be all good. 

But there’s more. 

Rest is hard. 
Wait, what did you say Pastor Jen? 
Rest is hard? 
Just ask any parent who has tried to put a little one down for a nap….
Most don’t to go, they don’t want to miss the action…they don’t want to stop going! 

I think we live in a tricky place. 

Jesus calls us to rest, when all we want to do is go back to the busyness of our ordinary lives…of sports, outings, traveling, camps, work (at the office) school…you name it. 

We would almost rather fill our days with extreme busyness…the busyness we know and feel comfortable in rather than allow our souls to rest in Christ. 

Go ahead, just think on that one for a second…

You can go back to the busyness you know (and get wicked stressed over)
Or you can let it go…let it all go…and rest in Christ. 

It’s hard, wicked hard, to let go of what we know…or what we think we are in control of to let Christ be present in our lives, bodies and souls…

Rachel Held Evans wrote, “The prophet’s voice is routinely dismissed as too critical, but she always challenges from a place of deep love for her community.” 

Let me say that again, “The prophet’s voice is routinely dismissed as too critical, but she always challenges from a place of deep love for her community.”

This call that we hear from Jesus, today…is out of God’s deep love for the body of Christ, God’s community at work in the world. 

Jesus’ call –
Come to me…all y’all….you all…my beloved…who are weary and carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 

Come to me, says Jesus, I will give you something the world cannot give…and it is something you need this day…for your heart and soul….
Come to me, Jesus says, and I will give you rest. 

So just stop. 


Stop arguing.
Stop fighting.
Stop worrying.
Stop shouting.
Just. Stop. 

Just for a moment…in this moment…and REST! 


Because here’s the thing…this holy space is awesome.  And it is just what I needed today…and maybe you needed it too, because the rest of the world is continuing in its busyness…and at some point, we will jump back in.  or slowly ease ourselves back in…to the call of Christ in the world around us. 
Responding out of compassion and justice for our neighbors, friends and even our enemies. 

Rest while you can…let it be holy. 
Let it be a moment or two that fills your heart, soul and entire being. 

And may that rest…shape our lives for action in our homes, community, nation and world. 
May that rest strengthen you for service in God’s kingdom this day and all days. 
May that rest be the gift that you receive this day that you didn’t even know you needed. 

May these words of Jesus be an invitation to you this day…

Come to me all, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest. 
Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls. 
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. 

And may that rest…that holy rest…be yours this day. 

And now may the peace, which surpasses all understanding, keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus and let all God’s people say, amen. 

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