1, 2019
Sunday after Pentecost
14:1, 7-14
pray with me,
the words of my mouth and the meditations of all of our hearts be acceptable
and suitable in your sight, our rock, our strength and our redeemer. Amen.
Humility is the understanding or will to accept
yourself and to not be egotistical or arrogant, not to mention being
Humiliation is the act of being humiliated by
something or someone, so in a sense, it's embarrassment or self-loathing.
The two
are easily confused, but they are vastly different.
Here’s an
example of humiliation and humility.
The scene
comes from the movie Billy Madison.
Billy Madison is a lazy adult who in order to inherit his father’s hotel
empire must repeat Kindergarten through 12th grade and pass them
all. When he enters the third grade, he
is making fun of other students in his class and the teacher asks him to keep
quiet or he will not pass. Later, this
class attends a field trip and the following happens.
<<<For those of you reading for the first time, know that the following clip is longer than the one I shared in worship. I cut the clip just as the teacher gets on the bus. Be ready, if you're watching now, that this clip then becomes a bit, well, not worship appropriate. Just so you know. ;) >>>
We can
see how Billy Madison helped shift the entire class dynamic by humbling himself
so that Ernie is not embarrassed by the class.
In a completely different example, Abby Wambach, two-time Olympic god medalist, FIFA World Cup champion andthe highest all-time international goal scorer for male and female soccer players, used to always do the following after scoring a goal.
After the ball went into the net, she would point.
First, she would point to the teammate who assisted.
Then she would point to the defender who protected them.
Then she would point to the midfielder who ran tirelessly.
Then she would point to the coach who dreamed up that play.
Then she would point to the bench player who willed this moment into existence.
She would always honor and thank the people who made that goal possible.
(Abby shares this experience and many others in her most recent book, Wolfpack)
Today’s lessons are all
about pride and humility.
says, do not put yourself forward in the king’s presence or stand in the place
of the great; For it is better to be told, “Come up here,” than to be put lower
in the presence of a noble.
passage from Hebrews talks about hospitality, loving relationships and not
letting things get in the way of God’s relationship with us…
you sensing a theme here? We are not to
puff ourselves up so much, or get so caught up all that all we focus on is what
we are doing…not why we are doing it.
our gospel lesson we are called to take on the ability of being humble…not to
expect to be the best or attempt to be the best, but to humble ourselves…and
the Lord will exalt us.
In response to this week's texts, The Rev. Dr. Rachael Keefe writes,
key to it all is a healthy humility. Not
a humility that negates or devalues anyone. Instead, a humility that recognizes
all as equals before God. A humility
that values all human life and tries to see Christ in all. How many of us would dare to invite those who
are neglected and marginalized to dine with us and celebrate with us? Mutual love combined with humility challenges
the divisions society insists on creating. What can we do as church to live in God’s
love?” (To read the rest of her reflection on this week's texts, please check out her post here: RevGalBlogPals)
like that phrase ‘healthy humility.’
It’s okay and good and healthy, even to accept ourselves for who we are
and to not be arrogant or egotistical.
This humility that Jesus shows us in our gospel lesson today is not one
of making fun of others or putting others down, but he lifts up the truth that
there is room for everyone at the table of the heavenly banquet. Humility to me shows the importance of
lifting others up instead of putting them down.
reality is that in our places of work, our classrooms, our communities, our
social media feeds and society in general seems to have taken a shift from
humility to humiliation. That is easier
to put someone down rather than lift someone up. We too often shame one another for their faults
or differences rather than see and honor the diversity around us.
gotten brutal out there folks. But the
church has an important voice here and now.
are called to preach a gospel of unconditional love. We are called to live lives that present
humility to the world around us. We are
called to tell others and invite others to this table and a meal that welcomes
EVERY human being…no matter who they are, no matter what their lifestyle, no
matter what challenges and struggles they have faced.
think that, in itself, is humbling…that no matter who we are…God loves us.
matter what we have done…God loves us.
matter what sins we have committed, or will commit in the future…God loves us.
we ourselves, and God truly knows what is in our hearts and on our minds.
even knowing all about us…our faults, our failures, our inadequacies, loves us
is truly humbling…and all we can do about it, is put one foot in front of the
other and come forward to this railing, to this table…and taste and see the
unconditional love that God has for us.
this table…this sanctuary…this church…all of this is God’s presence in our
world…God’s invitation is here for everyone all of the time.
we are welcomed at this table, knowing we are far from perfect, we are still
called, charged, tasked to invite as many as we can to this place.
are called to lift others up, we are called to be the living breathing body of
Christ in the world around us.
does that look like in your everyday life?
may be different for each and everyone of us.
reading from Hebrews offers some guidelines…
mutual love continue.
not neglect to show hospitality to strangers.
your marriage be held in honor.
those who are in prison.
your lives free from the love of money.
not neglect to do good and to share what you have.
are some reminders of how we are called to turn from ourselves and live lives
in community with others as the body of Christ in the world around us.
does it look like for you?
me, it is the simple process of getting to know my neighbors. Strange, right? But I barely know the folks
who live up and down this street. So,
for me it means spending more time on the front porch greeting others as they
walk by on these beautiful fall evenings.
It means engaging in conversations with the families and folks who live
across the street from me. It is simple,
but it builds community and connects us all.
days I’m getting it just right and other days, I’d rather just keep to
even on those days, I’m welcome in this place, with a word of forgiveness and
grace to go back out and try again.
are to choose God’s holy ways – every day and every moment. And when we fail, there is forgiveness and
grace enough to begin again.” (Another beautiful insight from The Rev. Dr. Rachel Keefe)
is forgiveness and grace enough to begin again.
that forgiveness and grace frees us to begin loving, serving and caring for our
neighbors again and again and again.
that you are loved and forgiven and welcomed at this table, how will you let
mutual love continue? In your heart,
your home, your community and in God’s world?
a simple call, but not always easy.
be to God for this community that loves and accepts us for who we are and
strengthens us to share that love and forgiveness in the world around us.
now may the peace, which passes all understanding, keep our hearts and minds in
Christ Jesus, and let all God’s people say, amen.
PS. By the time I preached this sermon for third time I was worried that the take home messages would be, it's cool to pee your pants and go point at people. But hopefully, the images and illustrations help us all to be reminded that it isn't about us, but it our ability to humble ourselves, lift others up and share the love of God while when we do.
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