Thursday, January 17, 2019

Moment of Amazing Grace

January 16, 2019
Well Homily
Psalm 29

Please pray with me,
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of all of our hearts be acceptable and suitable in your sight, O God, our rock, our strength and our redeemer.  Amen.

May the Lord give strength to his people!
May the Lord bless his people with peace!

Thus, says our psalmist from tonight’s reading at the end of Psalm 29. 

This comes at the end of the psalm where we have heard of many places God has been or God is. 
The voice of the Lord is in over the waters, in the sound of thunder, in the flashing flames of fire, and in the shaking of the wilderness.  The voice of the Lord causes the oaks to whirl, and strips the forest bare! 

God is in the midst of the noise, the wind, the earthquakes…in all things loud! 

I don’t know about you, but I like God in the peace of the sunrise over a calm lake and the and in the sparkling of the stars on a dark night.  I think for me there is more comfort in knowing God in those peaceful (to me) places rather than in the chaos of wind, thunder and fire. 

But then again, it is good for God to be there, too. 
Because it is in those moments of trouble, struggle or chaos that I need to know that God is present and will not be moved. 

On Sunday morning, as I finished a run in in the freshly falling snow, I knew God was there as my feet crunched the snow and as I stopped to hear the snow falling on my jacket.  I like that dark, early morning quiet time…it’s holy.  I look for God there and see God there. 

On Sunday morning, as I was two pages into my sermon at the late service, and all of the sudden saw page four…I was a little shook up.  I saw the sentence and knew it was not time for that page yet…and then saw that it was page 4 not page 3.  Pastor Bill was adamant that he had NOT switched the order of my pages.  I was smiling and trying to get myself back together, and then laughing and again, trying to get myself to focus.  I took a big breath and jumped right back in, the sermon continued, as did the rest of worship, as did the rest of the day. 

Yet in the middle of what seemed to me like eternity when I was trying to realign myself with my sermon God was there in the most holy and grace-filled way. 

In the middle of what could have been a moment of sheer panic and distress, I felt comfortable, and looking back, I feel like God was there, no I know that God was there, but I felt God’s presence in the people in worship at that moment.  That moment was holy and filled with the most gracious people and space that I have ever encountered. 

It’s really hard to put it into words, but there was something freakin’ amazing about this space in that moment. 

You all were (and are) the presence of God in this place. 

Anne Lamott in her book Stitches writes,
“When we agree to (or get tricked into) being part of something bigger than our own wired, fixated minds, we are saved. 
When we search for something larger than our own selves to hook into, we can come through whatever life throws at us.” 

Whether it was the wind or the Holy Spirit or me who accidentally shifted those pages in Sunday’s sermon, we’ll never know.  But I do know this, that this greater community – you all saved me in that moment.  You held me in an embrace of love and grace that I could never fully thank you for…because that’s how grace works…when we least expect to receive it, there it is! 

My prayer for you all and the people of this place is the closing words of tonight’s psalm: 
May the Lord give strength to his people!
May the Lord bless his people with peace! 

May you all feel the strength that God has given to each of you to know that you are able to hold others in love, forgiveness, understanding and grace. 

May you know that you are a force of love that is making an impact in this community and world by proclaiming God’s love and grace. 

And may you know that the strength of God shines through you when you extend a word of forgiveness, a handshake or hug of peace and through a smile.  That strength lets those around you know that they are loved, supported and cared for no matter what they are going through. 

May you also feel blessed by God’s peace.  Know that as you reach out in love to others and perhaps wonder if you are falling short, or maybe you are just not feeling strong enough…may God’s peace surround you and uphold you when you are in need.  May it be seen in the presence and love of others. 

And now may the Lord give strength to his people, may the Lord bless his people with peace and may that peace, which surpasses all understanding, keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus and let all God’s people say, amen. 

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