Friday, December 14, 2012

still waiting....

After another follow up appointment at the doctor's office I will not be running for another month (at least).  The good news is that the last two months of rest have shown signs of healing in my tendon.  Now I just have to continue to be patient...easier said than done.

I am thankful that I am able to swim a few days a week to clear my head, heart and take time to breathe.  I told the doc that was what I missed most about this break from exercise.  Firstly the opportunity to eat like I'm training for a 1/2 marathon...but secondly, I miss that me time to breathe, to clear my head, to pray...and to feel as if I've accomplished something.  I'm sure the natural endorphins (if that's what they're called) are just gravy.

What I loved about my swim this morning was seeing the community that happens at the pool.  I have done laps at different times of the day depending on the day and the schedule.  But I still see groups having their daily check-ins and friendly conversation.  One woman waved and said hello to me because we shared a lane last week.  The gentleman who took my lane as I left was convinced I was too young to be a pastor.  I thanked the 82 year-old man and headed out on my way.

I can't imagine how many people are members of the pool, let alone the rest of the fitness facility.  But to see the intimate relationships that are forming in small groups is that reminder that that *is* what people are still seeking: close, face to face relationships.  I love that the opportunities for these small groups are all around, but I love that we can build these within the context of the Body of Christ...especially at Trinity.

Trinity is a large congregation, but the small groups that crop up through different activities, ministries and opportunities continue to help us make connections to one another and make the Body of Christ visible in our communities.

May you be refreshed by the small groups that nurture and support you.


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