Friday, November 9, 2012


A Sabbath thought for this day: "I want to convince you, in part, that setting apart an entire day, one out of seven, for feasting and resting and worship and play is a gift and not a burden and neglecting the gift too long will make your soul, like soil never left fallow, hard and dry and spent." Mark Buchanan

I had a sabbath-ish day....yes I did get some things done around the house, but it was de-cluttering which helps me to breathe much easier each time I see the clear space.  I slept in (no alarm!) and moseyed into my day with not 2, but 3 cups of coffee!  

I do enjoy a slow start to the day and when I have a whole day with nothing on the agenda, it's nice to stay in the jammies as long as possible.  Since I'm still resting my tendon, I did take in several episodes of CSI as I folded laundry and planned out my menu for the week.  I do have to say that Marley is truly the master of sabbath in this house....

This was taken earlier today, after she played with some toys.  As I'm typing right now, it seems that she has found that same position today.

I've taken some time to blog, to pray, to rest, to paint my nails, to catch up on Top Chef and I look forward to starting a new book this evening.

I agree with the quotation at the beginning of the post....sadly I'm not certain I am able to fit in a full day of Sabbath each week....but it is something I will work towards.  I have to say that throughout the day, I did look at a to-do list periodically thinking....woah, I have lots to get done in the next few days.  But not as the end of the day, I am thankful for a day of rest, rejuvenation, relaxation, feasting and play today.  I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep and a fresh start in the morning.

I hope that you all have the opportunity for a day of sabbath soon.

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