Here's the sermon....and then a few thoughts that I have had since....
Sunday after Pentecost
James 3:1-12
Mark 8:27-38
Please pray
with me,
May the
words of my mouth and the meditations of all of our hearts be acceptable in
your sight O God, our rock and our redeemer.
There is
just something about Peter, isn’t there?
It often seems to me that he is the disciple that I most often connect
with. Maybe it’s his humanity…or his
ability in one moment to see Jesus clearly for who he is….the Messiah….and in
the next moment, try to make that Messiah fit his mold.
Because try
as I might, I can see God at work in our world, I can show others where God is
working, but in the same breath, I can wonder why God is doing what God is
doing, or should I say, be disappointed in the way in which God is at
It’s easy to
have expectations of God, isn’t it? Just
like Peter did. Yes we know of God’s
all-embracing love and grace for the world, but we want it according to our
specifications, our expectations, our needs.
Yes, just like Peter, we have a hard time coming to terms with the Jesus
we want and the Jesus we need.
You see, we
can connect with Peter’s strong reaction to Jesus’ prediction of his fate: He
simple cannot imagine that the Messiah will suffer, let alone be killed. His shock is so great, that he can’t even
hear the part about rising on the third day…all Peter can hear is the
word….that the Messiah…the one who has come to save us….will be killed, so he
protests and is rebuked.
Who’s to say
that we don’t feel that way, too? When
we voice our disappointments with God?
We think that it’s wrong to doubt God….and that we are wrong when we do
doubt God. Some of us may have even been
taught that it is wrong to voice those disappointments or those
reaction is a natural one. When faced
with the idea and hearing the words, that the Messiah would be put to death, he
did not want to hear it. He wanted it
not to be true….and he tells Jesus this.
Would we, or
could we have acted any differently? To
hear about the God of heaven and earth, who was sent to save Israel and the
world by dying on a cross? No way! Can’t be true. God wouldn’t do that.
We don’t
want a God, a Messiah, a savior who will rise from the dead. We want one that doesn’t die in the first
We still, as
sinful human beings, crave and want a God to be alive and active in our lives
that fits into our needs and definitions.
We still, to this day, struggle with understanding a God who comes to us
in the weakest and murkiest of places….and one whose power is seen in dying on
a cross.
It is a
struggle we face every day….especially when things aren’t going the way we
think they should. When we learn that a
brother of Christ takes ill in Alaska and he and his wife are so far away from
friends and family, it is okay to ask God why this is happening….when we
experience breakdowns in families that sometimes end in broken homes….when we
lose a job….when a career takes us far from those whom we love….when a child is
harmed on the sports field….or any other number of disappointments. When things don’t meet our expectations,
there will be disappointment. In life,
with people around us….and with God.
And that’s okay.
What I’d like us to do now is take a moment to wrestle, if you will, with those disappointments. Take a slip of paper and write down a time when you’ve been disappointed with God….upset with God….maybe even let down by God.
We will not
be sharing these aloud…and there is no need to feel ashamed or
embarrassed….it’s okay to express your disappointment.
So take a
few minutes to think about that time and to jot it down…..
As you think
about that time, remember that God can hear and can take your
disappointment. And remember, too, that
God has promised to meet you in those disappointments and stay with you until
you and all of us….until we come out onto the other side of disappointment to
resurrected faith.
Some days
we’re walking in the light and promise of the resurrection….and other days that
promise seems beyond our grasp. So until
that day, when we all walk in that resurrection light, let me say this, that
the pastoral staff here will be praying for you, supporting you….and giving
thanks for you in our prayers.
that’s who we are as the Body of Christ….we are community. So often when disappointment sets in, we
alienate ourselves….we remove ourselves from community and turn in on
ourselves. Yet it is through this
community that God is at work. It is in
this community of faith that we are loved, encouraged, supported, held up, and
not ever let go.
So as we
wrap up this time in our service….I invite you to fold up your paper, write
your name on it and come forward, place it in the basket, and we will circle
around the basket in prayer together.
At the end
of the service, if you wish to take your slip of paper home with you, you may….if you wish you may leave them in the basket and the Vicar and myself will lift up your disappointments in our prayers this week. Anything shared with us will remain confidential.
Come, let’s pray.
That was the end of the sermon as we circled around the basket and we prayed about our disappointments and other concerns in our hearts that night.
As worship continued, there were times of smiles and times of tears, times of joyous singing and times of silence. The sanctuary was a holy place last night.
I was reminded of that holiness this morning as I sat at my desk and opened my day in prayer as I opened the folded pieces of paper in the basket. As I lift up those names in prayer this week, I pray for others in our community as well, for the struggles and disappointments that people are facing each day. May each of us be reminded that it's okay to be disappointed and that God is in the midst of the disappointment all the time....
If you have disappointments you wish to share in a prayerful way, please leave me a message, email me at church, or leave a note in my office.
Holding you in prayer....
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