So, if you read/heard this week's sermon, you were set with two challenges this week.
1) To look for and be active in moments of sharing God's grace with others. Taking the opportunity to be the presence of Christ for someone else this week.
2) (this one was a bit harder) To look for and let other's around you bless you with a grace moment. To take the opportunity to let others use the gifts that God has given to them to be Christ in your life.
I had an opportunity that I almost passed up yesterday. After I joined a small group gathering for lunch and Bible study, one of the people in attendance offered to go to the hospital for me. I said yes...for two reasons. One, this person receives joy when doing visits. And was an opportunity to let that person be Christ to someone else. It was the opportunity for ministry to happen, for relationships to deepen, for prayers to be said, and for the Body of Christ to be active in our world.
It was also a realization for me and what part of my ministry is in this place. It is the nurture, support and lifting up of disciples within the congregation here at Trinity. We are all given gifts to use and share with the community and the world, and sometimes the hard part is seeing someone else do it. But there are blessings in sharing the minstry that we are all called to be a part of. The more we support, love and share the outreach from this place, the more hearts and lives will be touched by the grace of God and that is the most important thing.
Keep looking for ways to both give and receive God's grace this week.
Where has God been present with you this week?
+God's peace
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