I can't stop thinking about the altar at the 10:45 worship service yesterday. Here we are in the middle of Lent, which is often a time when congregations refrain from the weekly flowers on the altar as we think of a time that is pensive and less fancy. Yet yesterday, the altar was full!
Here is what it looked like:
Now for some explanation....because this sight was only seen at the late service on Sunday.
Saturday evening, there were arrangements in front of the altar from that day's funeral service.
Sunday morning, during the Lenten Fair, the Sunday School youth decorated flower pedals that were transformed into flowers....which are beautiful...which were added to the altar for the 10:45 service.
During that service, the children came forward for the children's message and blessed over 100 school kits for Lutheran World Relief. :) They are at the base of the altar.
As you look at all the color, the flowers, the bags....what an abundance of life! For me, I see the Sunday School flowers sprouting from the funeral arrangements. How true is it that the all the saints who have gone before us continue to help us grow and bloom. And the bags that surround all the flowers, show that we here at Trinity, not only grow up in our faith, but also share that faith and abundance with youth all around the world.
What a blessing worship was yesterday...surrounded by abundance, being unbound by each other...freed to live and serve. Amen.
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