Friday, May 13, 2016

New fuel for a solid workout.

With a triathlon in July and a marathon in December this will be a fun summer for training.  I've noticed over the past few months it's been hard to get into a regular routine.  Both diet and exercise have been on my mind but have not been a priority.  

Last month I started working with a personal trainer at the gym with a focus on strength training.  The more I read about running both short and long distances, the more I am aware of the importance of strength training.  

While that has been a chunk of my workouts, I've also gotten back into regular bike rides.  

My goal is to start Tri training in June, but apparently the upcoming races have been on my mind.  

Last night I had two nightmares.  
In the first one I was running the Pittsburgh Marathon. (I ran it many years ago on a beautiful sunny day and finished in Heinz Stadium).  Last night's version was quite different.  It was cold and rainy...I had been running for what felt like forever.  It was now dark...and I got lost.  I had to ask for directions and when guided back to the course I had to hop over a fence to get to the last dash to the finish line.  (At one point I thought, geesh, why is this so tough? How was my taper?  Oh wait...I didn't even train!?!?) 
When I was back in the course, I was trying to weave around people who were casually walking the race in street clothes.  There was no finish line, but you had to run through a turnstile.  It.  Was. Weird. 
Sadly, just through the turnstiles were nearly empty pie plates so I didn't get any post race eats.  
And to make things worse, the cat woke me up before I got my medal. Womp. Womp. 

Nightmare number two: thankfully it was much shorter, but I was planning a bike ride and walked up to my bike to see the tubes so deflated that the tires were dropping of the rims.  Ugh. 

I was planning on a strength day at the gym today when the forecast looked like a completely rainy day.  When I got up and just saw overcast I revamped the workout. I tried a brick - bike/run.  I attempted the distance that I'll do in the Tri and I completed it.  A tough workout but I did it.  

Here's to more challenges, hopefully without fuel from my dreams. 

I will say this, friends helped me pull through today more than they know.  

This went with me each pedal and step today.  

Until the next post...