Thursday, July 31, 2014

New goal.

So, with this post, I will have blogged once this month.  Oops.

There are some days and weeks that lead to many ideas and posts....and others that don't.  I'm less than inspired to say that I will blog everyday for fear of having nothing to say.  My goal for the month of August is to post twice a week.  It may be a picture I've taken and a comment to follow, or it may be a recently preached sermon, but it will be something.

Yesterday I completed a 5K fun run with my friend and colleague, Andy.  We live 20 minutes'd think we would have seen each other in the past year, but no.  (We're going to remedy that.)  As we ran, we chatted about life, faith, ministries within our congregations and pastor as community member.  We agreed that it is good (and healthy) for pastors to be engaged in community groups.  It's good, too for us to just be us.  Building relationships outside of the parish fosters healthy support systems for ourselves, but also allows the community to see pastors as ordinary people.

I thought about the community piece today as I took a walk to the post office and then finished a small loop through the neighborhood.

Several cars drove by and honked and waved.  A few even stopped to chat.
I was encouraged (nearly coerced) to swim as my cross training day tomorrow by the pool manager.
As I passed by homes of Trinity and non-Trinity folks, I started to pray for their inhabitants.
I prayed for fostered relationships between neighbors.
I prayed for the children in our neighborhood who run around all day.
I thanked God for the opportunity to walk and pray.

But mostly I was thanking God for the ability to get out and walk.
I feel that I am in pretty good shape...and a mosey around the neighborhood is a relaxing thing for me.

There are others who cannot get out and walk everyday.
For the ability to put one foot in front of the other and just be outside I am truly thankful.

If you haven't had the change lately, take a walk in your community.
Smile and say hello to some folks.
Be your community.

Until the next post.